Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Vintage ads

The mosquitoes around me have been on a feeding frenzy.

Looking for a cure for insect bites, I remembered this photo-illustration I did as part of a series of 12 (as “Happy 2006/Greetings from Japan” gifts to friends back home). These are based on snapshots I have taken in Japan.

Unlike in Tokyo, where billboard space is at a premium, small towns seem to keep their advertising up much longer. The mosquito lotion ad (above) was taken in the middle of winter, in a town with one main street.

An ad for a “genki” drink, silkscreened on metal, rusting in a rather inconvenient place.

Would ad execs allow this in the city?
A rain pipe obscures this man’s trilby as well as the product he’s advertising.
Not to worry, we can still see the logo...

Sticker for Asahi draft, peeling off the side of a cart.

This man is obviously violating the rules of propriety. The pointing finger chastises his behaviour as ”BAD!” and warns that ”this is not a toilet.”
Snapped in a Tokyo subway station.

Note: This entry was inspired by the people at pingmag.

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