It's been a while since I've posted about the weekly Open for Design blog, which has continued with the monthly themes listed below.
January: Imperfection
> Luck of the draw - New Year's in Japan and the sacred lottery "omikuji"
> Imperfect by design - my first flat in Tokyo and Swedish design team Front
> Imperfect match - the Chanel & Bearbrick windows in Ginza
> Perfectly imperfect - graffiti at the streetwear shows
> Beauty & the Bead - exhibition at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam

February: Inspiration
> Inspiration Rx - where does inspiration come from?
> Play - Copenhagen's Experimentarium
> Pecha Kucha - technicolour cerebral shake-up
> Hardwired - is there a little bit of "Rain Man" in everyone?

March: Line
> An absurd little bird - my love of cuckoo clocks
> Traditional Japanese Joinery 101
> Staying in the Game - hairlines and retirement in sumo
> La Linea - saluting Osvaldo Cavandoli

...and now April deals with provocation. My post this week, "Hey, that's no way to say good-bye," was spurred on by Keith Richards' chatter about snorting his dad's ashes.